Ways to quit smoking
Ways to quit smoking

ways to quit smoking

Water plays the crucial role of a detoxifier and helps smokers in quitting smoking. So, here are 6 home remedies to quit smoking: However, inspite of knowing all the harmful effects and facts about smoking, many people are not able to quit this habit and it can be tough for them. Moreover, the death rate for any kind of smoker is three times higher than that for non-smokers.

ways to quit smoking ways to quit smoking

In fact, more than 50 per cent of serious illnesses are caused by smoking. Smoking can result in an airway obstruction and unnecessary blockage that is not good for your health. Read to this article further to know about simple and effective home remedies to help you quit smoking. Smoking can cause cancer, heart disease and many other respiratory problems. This proves that vaping is also equally harmful and unhealthy for your body as cigarette smoking. But, as per several health reports, maximum number of deaths are reported due to lung disease from vaping and not cigarettes. Many people think that e-cigarettes are smokeless and less harmful for your health. In fact, smoking has similar effects on the people around you that are becoming an easy target of passive smoking. It slows down the immune system and affects fertility too. A lot of smokers are not even aware or try to ignore the harmful effects of smoking on the body. Nicotine increases the urge in people to smoke more. Cigarettes have tobacco that contains nicotine and it can make smoking an addiction. People start smoking to recover from various problems such as stress, anxiety, peer pressure and depression. Smoking is an extremely harmful habit and also one of the major causes of deaths in our country.

Ways to quit smoking